Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Buddha and Pest

As Best Man Brian so succinctly put it as we waddled out of his house on the first morning of our European tour, loaded up with rucksacks of clean clothes and plenty of enthusiasm, what better place to commence our travels than in Budapest. Why? Rory is Buddha and Amy a Pest. Apparently. So Buddha and Pest decided to soothe their egos by spending their first afternoon in Budapest wallowing away in one of the city’s thermal baths. Nice.

The other highlight of Budapest was a visit to the House of Terror museum - the only way Amy could be convinced to set foot inside a museum was because of the title of this one, although it is likely she was expecting some sort of ghost train or Hungarian version of The London Dungeon. In reality, this museum was once the headquarters of the dreaded secret police, and now contains some sobering exhibits on Stalin, the Nazis and the Holocaust, including preserved dungeons and execution cells for those who opposed the movements. It was a very full-on but extremely impressive display.

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