Monday, 13 August 2007

The London Splash and Dash

When we heard that our good friend and bible-study member, Fiona, decided she was going to get baptised on 12th August, we couldn’t resist re-jigging our itinerary so that we could be there (“but Italy is just around the corner” I insisted). It actually turned out to be a bit of a family reunion, as my sister-in-law Renee (one of Fiona’s closest friends from Sydney) did the same.

If the whole baptism event looks a little odd to any of you (see photos), all it is is a physical symbol of what’s happened to Fi in her heart. By being baptised Fiona is declaring that she wants to make a clean start (hence the water) with the God who created her and she trusts that Jesus’ death means that she’s been forgiven for previously ignoring God (hence why she gets dunked in the water and pulled out again – it’s like saying “I’d like to be a part of what Jesus’ death achieved “ i.e. forgiveness and being raised to eternal life - It was awesome to be there to celebrate with her and many of our other friends. A real glimpse of heaven!

1 comment:

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